healthy tips
The importance of drinking a lot of water in the summer
why we should drink a lot of water in the summer?
Water is absolutely essential to keep the body hydrated and function properly. Specialists emphasize the importance of drinking water in abundance, to rid the body of toxins and protect it from a large number of diseases.
The importance of water in maintaining health
Water plays an essential role in many body functions, for example:
- In digestion.
- Maintaining body temperature.
- To get rid of excreta in the urine or in the stool.
- Lubricating (lubricating) the joints.
- Softness and health of the skin and skin.
Moisturizing and re-moisturizing well
The human body is made up of 60 percent of water. Part of this amount is eliminated by sweating and urine production. As well as by breathing. If the water is not compensated, one becomes dehydrated, with serious potential consequences especially for vulnerable people (such as children, the elderly, or people with chronic diseases, such as insufficient kidney and heart function).Why should I choose water?
In order to quench thirst, the food guide recommends drinking water, not sugary drinks. Sugary drinks include fruit juices (even those added without sugar), and soft drinks, vegetable juices, milk and aromatic vegetable drinks (herbal teas), energy drinks and sweetened scented water. These drinks contain a lot of sugar and sometimes fat, which is often found in abundance in the rest of the diet. the issue here does not include describing milk or fruit juice as bad satanic drinks and refraining from drinking them, but rather emphasizing drinking in moderation. We can still drink a cup of juice or milk in the morning for breakfast for example, but during the day and when we are thirsty it is better to drink water.How much water should i drink a day
There is no exact answer to this question. The amount necessary to drink water depends on many factors, especially the individual’s health condition and level of activity. And the temperature of the surrounding environment as well. An athlete who trains in the open air in hot weather will need to drink more water than a person sitting in front of a computer for long hours, for example.
Here are some situations in which health conditions affect the need to drink water:
- Pregnant or breastfeeding women need to drink more water.
- People with heart failure should respect strict rules about the amount of fluid they should consume.
- Vomiting and diarrhea lead to fluid loss, which may cause dehydration quickly if the loss is not properly compensated for.
- People who take medications that make them urinate more often (such as diuretics) must consume more fluids to make up for this loss.
As a general rule, a healthy person should drink 8-10 glasses of fluids daily. In addition to water, this includes other drinks such as milk, as well as water contained in fruits and vegetables.
How do we know if our body is well hydrated?
Urine color is a good indicator of the body's moisture level. If your body is well hydrated, the urine will be very pale yellow or even colorless, except in the morning when you wake up because the urine will be more concentrated at night.Also, thirst is the first sign that the body sends to show you its need for water.
Medicines should be taken with water
Water is the best choice when taking medications, unless your pharmacist gives instructions differently. Water does not interact with medications, and in some cases it reduces the risk of negative effects (this applies to medications to fight osteoporosis, for example).
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