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Healthy diet during menstruation

During the menstrual cycle, many women suffer from fatigue, exhaustion and an increase in weight, which may reach two kilograms, but it is nothing more than normal, provided that the mentioned changes last for a short time, so that the weight returns to normal and the mood and activity adjust after the expiry of the “nervous monthly days.” . In this article, we will learn about the reasons responsible for these changes and tips to address them.

Changes in the level of female hormones, especially low estrogen and high progesterone,

 On the other hand, in addition to the drop in the level of “serotonin” in the brain (the happiness hormone) are the main reasons for all the changes that occur in female bodies.

 As for the other reasons that may increase the symptoms, during the days of the "menstrual period", they are: following diets poor in calories, which encourage the deprivation of several types of foods, for the purpose of losing weight,

 As well as abandoning the regulation of sleeping hours and staying up late every night.

 In addition, excessive consumption of foods rich in salt (pickled and canned foods) and excessive consumption of caffeinated beverages to increase activity, all cause the following symptoms:

1 Binge on foods rich in starches and fats, because they give those who eat them comfort and relaxation and help raise the level of the “happiness hormone”.

2 Swelling in the fingers and toes and the area under each eye due to water retention.

3 Decreased level of enthusiasm to do any activity and feeling tired.

4 Change in mood and isolation.

5 Relaxation of smooth muscles due to the hormone "progesterone", which slows down bowel movement, and may lead to bloating and constipation in some women.

Tips during the menstrual cycle

• Download an application to track the time of menstruation on a mobile phone, in order to make some changes to the “routine” followed, with the start of the menstrual cycle.

• Eat three balanced meals, with an increase in the amount of protein and fat, and rely on complex carbohydrates rich in fiber in salad dishes, in order to maintain a good blood sugar level and reduce hunger. Eating meals, in a quiet place, and chewing slowly, leads to a good listening to the body's signals, and to reduce the occurrence of bloating. Adding yogurt (or nuts, peanut butter, chia seeds, avocado or dark chocolate) to fruit snacks, in order to provide the body with magnesium, potassium and necessary salts with beneficial oils that raise the level of the “happy hormone”. Examples include: dates and peanut butter, yogurt with strawberries, raisins with almonds, or milkshakes with bananas and chia seeds.

• Taking vitamin "B6" in the form of a food supplement or by adding some foods to meals, such as: tuna, salmon, liver and chickpeas... It is worth mentioning that the mentioned vitamin is a mood enhancer, a stress reliever before menstruation, and an aid in focus.

• Stay away from salty foods, especially chips, processed meat (mortadella, hot dogs) and sushi... in order to reduce water retention. In the following, the specialist provides an example of organizing meals for the whole day:

Breakfast: a glass of oat milk, with a few raisins.

After two hours: “toast” with eggs (or cheese) and vegetables.

Snack: a portion of fruits, plus a handful of almonds.

Lunch: a plate of salad, with an emphasis on green vegetables, a cup of bulgur (or quinoa) with a chicken breast (or a slice of steak or fish) and an avocado.

Snack: a portion of fruits, dipped in dark chocolate.

Dinner: a plate of tuna salad, with a small amount of corn.

Snack: a plate of popcorn without salt.

• Reducing the consumption of drinks that contain a high amount of caffeine, because the aforementioned substance raises the level of tension and increases the desire for sugars.

• Sleeping early to revitalize the body.

• Practicing light sports, such as walking, yoga and meditation, as well as learning the skill of deep breathing and applying it for a period of 5 minutes, three times a day, which leads to relaxation. The easiest breathing exercise is: inhale through the nose for four seconds, hold the breath for a similar period, and exhale through the nose for four seconds. Repeat the process for 5 minutes.

  “Changes during the days of menstruation are gradual,” so we recommend staying away from body weight during the mentioned days and choosing comfortable loose clothing, with good self-dealing and sympathy with the body’s natural physiological changes.

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