Sport is one of the necessities of a healthy life, both physically and mentally. And abdominal exercises, is one of the exercises that must be done, not only to get a slim body, but also to treat some diseases related to the digestive system.


Abdominal exercises are the ideal solution to enjoy a flat and tight abdomen, and a harmonious body, and in addition to following some nutritional instructions from the doctor or nutritionist, it is possible to enjoy good health, as the relationship between health and sports is close.

Learn about the best exercises to do and how to perform them in detail:

Tighten the abdominal exercises

These exercises come in a variety of ways, and they can be continued on a regular basis, as they help to get rid of the sagging that appears in the abdominal area, and it also keeps that area tight. It is possible for a pregnant woman to practice some of these exercises, provided she consults her doctor first, and what is suitable for beginners, including:


First exercise:

1. In the beginning, you should lie on your back on a flat ground, preferably a sports mat.

2. Then raise the legs up, so that the body forms an angle of 90 degrees.

3. Then the torso is raised until the right hand touches the left foot, and vice versa.

4. Repeat the process in 3 sets, each set contains 10 repetitions, with a break of 30 seconds between each set and the other and breathing deeply.

The second exercise:

This exercise comes in simple steps, and it is one of the abdominal exercises suitable for beginners as it is low in intensity, yet it gives good results when regular:

1. As the starting position, lie on the back on a flat surface.

2. And then raise the legs straight up, and then pull them to the chest, then return again to the previous position, and repeat the process.

3. This exercise is repeated in groups, each group containing 15 repetitions, taking a break between each group and another 30 seconds, and keeping breathing deeply.

Lower abdominal exercises

It is possible to tighten the lower abdomen at home without the need for sports equipment. But it is necessary to apply these exercises on a daily basis, to get the desired result. The most important exercises that can be performed individually are:

Neck and knee exercise

 . This exercise is performed by lying on the floor and then bending your knees in a tight and straight shape.

2. Then the hands are placed on the back of the neck while trying to stretch the body to push it forward while maintaining the previous position.

3. Try to keep the back and knees as straight as possible to benefit from this exercise.

Scissors exercise


. The body is straightened on the ground, and then both feet are lifted straight up.

2. The shoulders are slightly raised, or kept on the ground, and then the feet are alternately moved down and up without touching the ground.

3. This exercise is repeated 10 times for beginners, and every day it is increased 5 times.

Today, club and gym attendance is no longer necessary for effective physical activity. Anyone can do the exercises at home.

Here are some simple and effective exercises that can be easily applied at home to tighten stomach sagging:

Side hip bridge exercise


1. Lie on the left side, then put the right leg on the left leg.

2. Then the left forearm on the ground, with the elbow directly below the shoulder.

3. The right hand is placed on the waist, then the whole body is raised while maintaining the previous position, to form a straight line from the shoulder to the foot.

4. The body is lowered at first, then raised again while maintaining this position for 10 minutes.

5. The same steps are applied to the right side.


Shoulder tap

This exercise is one of the abdominal exercises that target the lower muscles, and it is suitable for beginners as well:

1. In the first step, lie on the floor with your face facing the floor.

2. Then the torso is raised by fixing the palms on the ground, and the upper part of the body is raised by resting on the arms, so that they are in a straight position.

3. Similarly, the lower body is raised, with the ends of the feet resting on the ground.

4. After making sure to take the correct position, and keep the back straight, the right shoulder is touched with the left palm, and then vice versa.

5. The exercise is repeated 20 times in two sets, with a break of 30 seconds between each set.

Belly fat burning exercises

V-up exercise

1. lay on the ground.

2. Then the hands are raised back towards the head.

3. Then we raise the upper part of the body forward with the arms straight, and then we raise the legs towards the upper part of the body until it forms with the upper part the letter V.

4. Hold this position for 10 to 15 seconds, then repeat 10 times a day.

Mountain climbing exercise

1. We tighten the body and lift it up by fixing the arms and back straight.

2. Then the right knee is bent towards the abdomen inward, and then the left knee alternately.

3. This exercise is repeated in 4 sets, so that each set contains 10 repetitions, resting for 30 seconds to one minute between each set and keeping deep breathing.

Abdominal muscle exercises

Exercising the abdominal muscles helps to get a flat and tight tummy and get rid of the rumen permanently, and here are the best abdominal exercises that you need to do to achieve amazing results in a short time:

Plank to Bike

1. The body is raised in a straight position with the feet stretched, and the back is kept in a straight position.

2. Then the middle area of the abdomen is raised with the first thighs to the top in a taut and straight shape for a period of no more than thirty seconds.

3. This exercise can be repeated 5 to 10 times in one set, breathing deeply during the exercise.

Plank (straight body)

1. We straighten the body on the ground, then the entire body is raised based on the shoulders with the abdominal muscles pulled inward, and maintain this position for at least 30 seconds, then gradually until a longer period is reached.

2. This exercise can be repeated in one set of 10 times.

The set of abdominal exercises, which we explained earlier, is one of the best abdominal exercises that must be done to get a flat and tight stomach and to get rid of the problem of the protrusion of the abdomen and the accumulation of fat in that area. Sports are necessary, not only to enjoy a slim body, but also to enjoy good health and strong immunity.

However, care must be taken to apply it according to the correct steps, and to follow it on a daily basis or at least 4 to 5 times a week, paying attention to healthy and balanced nutrition, avoiding soft drinks, and maintaining hydration of the body by drinking water at a daily rate of at least 2 1 liter in winter and 3 liters in summer.