Dr. Cynthia Sass, the famous American nutritionist, revealed what happens in the body when you eat almonds daily.

 The specialist indicates that the results of recent studies have shown that eating 40 grams of almonds a day lowers the level of harmful cholesterol, helps normalize blood pressure, and helps blood vessels relax.

 She adds, almonds are rich in antioxidants and nutrients. For example, 23 almonds contain heart-healthy fats, six grams of vegetable protein, four grams of dietary fiber (13% of the daily amount needed by the body), and half the daily amount of vitamin Е, vitamin B, iron, potassium and magnesium. Knowing that vitamin Е in this case acts as an antioxidant, protects cells from damage (the main cause of premature aging and diseases), supports the immune system, reduces inflammation and helps expand blood vessels, which improves blood flow.

 As for magnesium, it is essential and important for brain and bone health, mood, sleep, and regulating blood sugar and blood pressure levels.

 The expert notes that scientists have discovered that almonds act as food for beneficial bacteria in the intestines. For example, a group of students underwent an experiment in 2019 that included eating almonds daily for eight weeks. After the period, the researchers noticed changes in the composition of the gut flora. For example, they increased the number of bacteria affecting weight, insulin and cholesterol regulation.

 She adds, the benefit of almonds has been proven to reduce body mass index and reduce waist circumference. And that the healthy fats and vegetable proteins found in almonds, help to feel full and delay the feeling of hunger.

 In addition, recent studies have shown that almonds contain 20% fewer calories than what is stated on the label, as not all of the calories are absorbed from the intestines into the blood.

 And it turns out, almonds help fight skin aging. A study showed that healthy postmenopausal women participating in it were divided into two groups. The women in the first group ate 20% of their daily calories in the form of almonds for 16 weeks. As for the second group, it continued on the usual diet. The results of this study showed that wrinkles were reduced in the women of the first group compared to the women of the second group.