Snoring is undoubtedly an annoying health phenomenon, so how can you reduce or eliminate snoring? This may not be difficult if you follow the methods mentioned in the following article.

snoring remedy

Many people may develop this phenomenon at some age. Snoring is caused by air entering the throat during breathing, which stimulates some tissues of the throat to shiver, causing an annoying snoring sound. What is the solution?

Causes of snoring

Before delving into the solutions, we must know the causes of snoring. Sometimes snoring may be an indication of a serious and serious health condition that must be dealt with quickly, such as:

  • Obstructive sleep apnea.
  • Obesity;
  • A defect in the structure of the nose or mouth.
  • Sleep deprivation
  • Sometimes the reason for snoring may be just sleeping on the back.

Ways to get rid of snoring

While some cases may require consulting a doctor to find out the cause, which may be a serious health condition, other times the matter may not be so serious, and some types of snoring may be very simple to treat.

Here we will review a set of methods that will definitely help you get rid of annoying snoring:

1- Weight loss in obese people

Losing extra weight may be enough to stop you snoring.

Start eating smaller portions and contain fewer calories and make sure you exercise regularly, and you can consult a nutritionist to facilitate and organize it.

 2- Sleeping on one side

Sometimes sleeping on your back can cause the tongue in your mouth to move to partially close your throat, which can obstruct the movement of air through your throat.

So sleeping on your side can help you get rid of snoring as the tongue doesn't move out of place and there is no longer an obstruction to the movement of air through the throat.

 3- Raise the bed

Try raising the head of the bed only a few centimeters from the side of the head, and place it higher than the rest of the bed. This may help relax the airways and may allow air to move more freely through them while keeping them open at all times.

 4- Use of special tools for the nose

Pharmacies have nasal patches placed on the bone of the nose to help you breathe better, which may reduce or eliminate snoring.

You can also use a nasal expander, which is placed on the tips of the nose to facilitate breathing.

 5- Treating allergic diseases

If you suffer from allergies, you may snore because your airways are blocked, which may force you to breathe through your mouth, which increases the likelihood that you will start snoring.

It is preferable that you consult a doctor to get the appropriate treatment for allergies, which may help to get rid of snoring permanently.

 6- Repair of congenital nose defects

Sometimes a person may be born with a deviated nasal septum, or he may be exposed during his life to an injury that caused him this type of defect in the structure of the nose.

This may negatively affect the processes of entry and exit of air from the nose, and the patient may unconsciously begin to open his mouth during sleep to be able to breathe better, which makes him snore.

Here, it is necessary to consult a doctor, as it may be necessary to perform surgery to repair the defect.

 7- Avoid taking sedatives before bed

If you are one of the people who take sedatives before bed and start snoring, consult your doctor, as the sedatives you are taking may be the cause.

 8- Stop smoking

Smoking is an unhealthy habit in all respects, and in the case of snoring, it may make the matter worse, so quitting smoking here may help you reduce or get rid of snoring completely.

 9- Get enough sleep

Make sure you get enough sleep at night, as not doing so could be one of the factors that make your snoring worse.