Are you a fan of drinking green tea? So keep it up, as the benefits of green tea are very numerous, follow the article to find out about these benefits.


In the following, let us learn about the benefits of green tea, as well as how to prepare it and its potential harms if you drink it a lot:
Benefits of green tea

Green tea contains many nutrients, the most important of which are: B vitamins, folic acid, manganese, potassium, magnesium, caffeine and many antioxidants.

This useful Turkish green tea is what made it so useful, if its benefits are as follows:

Green tea benefits


1. Protect the skin from pigmentation and wrinkles

The powerful antioxidants present in green tea make it a good contributor to protecting the skin from the effects of sunlight, by neutralizing the free radicals produced by the sun, which cause skin aging.

2. Contribute to weight reduction

One of the benefits of green tea is that it may increase the body's metabolic rate, thus aiding in weight loss.

The factors responsible for increasing the metabolism of green tea are most likely the caffeine and polyphenols present in the tea leaves.

3. Reducing high blood pressure

It was found that tea may provide protection against the development of high blood pressure, as the components of green tea, especially potassium, contribute to improving the elasticity of blood vessels and making them pump blood better.

Green tea may also contribute to lowering bad cholesterol in the body, and this reduces heart disease.

4. Promote dental health

It has been found that drinking one cup of green tea per day may maintain dental health and may prevent gum disease that causes tooth loss in old age.

It is worth noting that people who drank at least one cup of green tea per day had a 19% lower risk of losing their teeth compared to those who did not drink green tea every day.

5. Improve memory

One of the benefits of green tea is that it may contribute to improving memory, due to its content of antioxidants and amino acids that relax muscles, increase feelings of calm, stimulate brain activity and improve memory.

6. Contribute to reducing the likelihood of infection with colds and influenza

Green tea has been found to have high levels of antioxidants that may contribute to boosting the immune system, and this may reduce the risk of colds or flu by 23% and reduce the duration of illness by 36%.

Also, the polyphenols in green tea may reduce the reproduction of the influenza virus.

7. Contribute to reducing the risk of cancer

One of the most prominent benefits of green tea is that it may reduce the risk of developing types of cancer, due to its high content of antioxidants.

It is worth noting that this benefit has been studied to this day, and there are many studies in this regard, but they are contradictory.

How to prepare green tea


To obtain the benefits of green tea, it is necessary to know how to properly prepare it, which is represented in the following:

  1. Boil a cup of water.
  2. Place the tea leaves in a cup of boiling water for several minutes, then the infusion is filtered and drunk.

Fresh green tea leaves are often not easily obtained, so you can put dry ones, but it should be noted that the green leaves are the most beneficial.

Green tea side effects

Despite the benefits of green tea for health in general, drinking large amounts of it may lead to the following potential harms:

  • Digestive problems: Some people may experience colic, vomiting and heartburn after drinking a cup of green tea.
  • Headaches and sleep problems: This occurs as a result of green tea containing caffeine, and this damage can be reduced by drinking a specific amount daily.
  • Interactions with some medications: Green tea interacts with medications that treat neurological conditions in abundance, so you should be careful about that.