Many of us may dislike routines or routines in general, and some of us may feel so bored or bored with routines that they are repeated over and over again. But the beauty of the routine is that it keeps you on a specific program and leads you to the goals that you set in advance, and the routine may have a good benefit for your health over time, especially if it is a healthy daily routine, which we will address in the coming paragraphs:


healthy daily routine

waking up early

There is nothing better than to wake up in the morning, even if you do not do anything this morning, your day will be full of activity and vitality, in addition, the mind in the morning is more active than during the night, so most specialists and doctors advise doing your school or practical tasks during the morning.

The healthy thing about waking up early is that we do not transcend the nature of our biological clock. We are morning creatures by nature, and as soon as evening arrives, our biological clock begins to ring announcing the timing of sleep.

There are other people, and they are very few who prefer staying up late at night rather than getting up early, as they declare that they are more focused during the night and are more creative in these periods. It is a good thing, but it is often unhealthy, and it is better not to stay up too much and try to wake up early, once you add this habit to your healthy daily routine until you find yourself healthier.

Eat a healthy breakfast

Always try to stay away from fast and industrial foods, and replace them with healthy foods, then put this law in your mind and apply it every day until it becomes a healthy daily routine.

In order not to deviate from our human nature again, we humans are not used to fast and processed foods full of preservatives, colorings and nutritional supplements... Rather, we are used to waking up in the morning and looking for food to eat, and this food is healthy for our bodies and the work of our minds.

Without a healthy breakfast, you will have a bad day, in addition, you will perish in your health over time.

Drink 3 liters of water

Water constitutes 60% of our body weight, it is what maintains our body heat, protects sensitive tissues, and rids us of our body waste through sweating and urine...

Not drinking enough water daily may cause you to become dehydrated, a condition that occurs when you do not have enough water in the body to carry out its important natural functions, and this may cause several problems such as kidney dehydration. Even a mild dehydration can drain your energy and make you tired for the day.

Several studies say that the amount of water that the body needs per day is 3 liters, and this amount may increase or decrease according to each person’s condition (for example, a person who exercises will need more because he sweats more… and a small child will need less because his body is small…)

3 liters may seem like a lot to some, but all you have to do is routinely divide it into cups or bottles that you always have with you, and make this a part of your healthy daily routine.


Enjoying the morning sunshine

Imagine the feeling that a primitive man had hundreds of thousands of years ago, waking up in the morning and receiving vitamin D (who did not even know he was receiving vitamin D) from the wonderful sunshine, and then starting his day energetic and full of vitality.

We all know that sunlight gives our bodies vitamin D, which is an important and necessary vitamin for our bodies, especially since this vitamin is not available in abundance in the food items we consume. A deficiency in vitamin D leads to a deficiency of calcium and may sometimes lead to rickets in children and osteoporosis.

Even if you do not wake up early, you should expose yourself to the sun for at least 15 minutes on a daily basis and this period may increase for people with dark skin, as their body needs more rays in order to produce vitamin D.

Get away from the computer every 30 minutes

When we sit in a certain place for more than 30 minutes, it means that we freeze some muscles from performing their functions, and you must sometimes feel that the muscles of your leg or hands are numb because they did not move for a certain time or that you were pressing on them without realizing.

Always remember our biological nature, in which our ancestors lived hundreds of thousands of years ago, they were almost constantly moving, which means permanent muscle movement, blood circulation well and the body performing its necessary bodily functions.

If you have difficulty, use the counter, or just invent a daily routine such as getting up from the computer whenever you see the big clock pointing to 12 or 6 … or any two numbers that are half an hour apart. (1.7) (2.8) …etc.

Once you make this habit a healthy daily routine, you will notice with time that you are more energetic than before, you will focus more on doing well, and your health will not perish anymore.

simple aerobic exercises

If you are one of those people who do not exercise due to lack of time or the gym far from their homes, unfortunately this is not a sufficient excuse for not doing some simple aerobic exercise (just 15 minutes at least)

Practicing simple aerobic exercises such as moving the muscles for a short period of time daily will change your life towards good health. Sports will make you alert, and you will drink more water as we mentioned before.

Try to set aside 15 minutes at first, then increase this amount over time and add it to your healthy daily routine.

If you are unable to do simple aerobic exercises, at least take a walk because it has benefits as well.

take care of your teeth

A very beautiful healthy daily routine, and do not say that this routine is difficult or boring, just try to continue for more than a week to take care of your teeth and clean them after every meal.

If you are one of the people who are unable to brush their teeth after every meal, you can start brushing them in the morning and before bed, but try to schedule times after meals when you continue with this healthy daily routine.

Read a book before bed

It is one of the routine habits that successful people do, and it is not surprising that we find these people successful even in their healthy lives.

Reading a book before bed will keep you away from blue screens (computer, phone) and this is a healthy routine that has long-term benefits, in addition to reading books is important to educate yourself more and gain greater knowledge.

If you are the type of person who reads e-books, try to change this habit over time, such as reading a paper book from time to time. The second advice is to download an application on your device in order to reduce the percentage of blue light that may affect your eyes and the health of your brain over time.
Just search for an app called (Blue Light Filter) and you will find many of them, download them and enjoy reading books at night without losing your health ;)


Summury of healthy daily routine

  • Get up early, try not to force yourself to sleep, and if you are one of the people who prefer staying up late, try to count your biological clock
  • brush your teeth
  • Eat a healthy breakfast, taking into account that you drink 3 liters of water daily
  • brush your teeth
  • Enjoy the sunshine, whether in the morning or midday. for at least 15 minute
  • Simple aerobic exercises or at least walking
  • Stay away from the computer or any specific sitting position every 30 minutes
  • brush your teeth
  • Read a book before bed

You may add to this routine anything that you think will make you healthier over time, and you may have to eliminate or at least reduce some of the daily habits that destroy your health, such as smoking, for example.

Finally, remember, the routine will pay off with time and you just have to keep applying it every day.