How many times a day do you feel stressed? This problem is very common among people, and there is no hope for it to disappear from human life, but there are some effective ways to relieve stress and besiege these negative feelings before they take control of you.

The author, Deborah Tayloe, says - in this report, published by the American Power of Positivity website - that this problem has become very common in modern societies, as the American Institute for Stress Research indicated that 83% of employees in the country suffer from nervous stress on a daily basis. And about 8% of them admit that this situation makes them paralyzed.



Here are 20 ways to relieve stress before it turns into a problem, as the author says that stress is not all bad, as it is part of the body's natural defense system, in order to maintain vigilance and a state of readiness. But when this situation is activated for a long time, it causes damage to health, hence the importance of developing habits to control your feelings before you give in to stress.

1- Get enough rest:

The writer confirms that those who do not get enough time to rest will have a bad feeling the next day, and therefore it is very important to take care to sleep and rest the body and mind whenever you need it.

2- Meditation:

Meditation is considered one of the best stress treatments. And if you feel that your nerves are starting to get tense, you need a quiet and comfortable place to practice these exercises that people have tried and inherited since ancient times.

3- Listening to music:

Some believe that music can calm an agitated beast. In fact, listening to clips of music - that you love while working - is something that relieves stress and increases your motivation, so that this idea was used by some scientists to help Alzheimer's patients.

4- Chewing gum:

Chewing gum while working may be another way to reduce stress levels in the body, as a study published by the American Institute of Health showed that this habit reduces levels of the stress hormone "cortisol" in the body.

5- Doing yoga:

Yoga teaches us how to breathe correctly and relax muscles. It is an excellent way to de-stress and restore the balance of hormones in the body. There are many types of yoga, you can choose the method that suits you best.

6- More organization:

The author confirms that many people cause themselves more nervousness and tension, by leaving chaos around them and being lazy to take matters into their own hands. In general, a person feels satisfied and comfortable when he organizes his affairs or his home, and therefore spending some time in these activities may help you feel calm.

7- Designate a place to relax:

Some people resort to coloring the walls or lighting candles, and introducing some elements of nature, such as dirt, fire, water, or wind, in order to achieve tranquility and improve the mood in the workplace or home. And if you're stressed out, you can try these ideas or use some essential oils.


8- Take a tablespoon of honey:

Did you know that honey fights depression and stress? In fact, everyone knows that honey has the same antibiotic properties, helps reduce inflammation in the brain, and generally improves mental state.

9- Squeeze the tension ball:

If you feel confused and exhausted, as if your nerves are about to explode, you can hold a stress ball in your hand, carry it with you even in your office or outdoors, and press it hard whenever you feel a stressful situation approaching.

10- Treat yourself to dark chocolate:

Dark chocolate has always been considered an excellent and antioxidant food, but eating it also contributes to relieving stress by regulating the hormone cortisol, to relieve anxiety.

11- Doing sports:

There is no way to control feelings of stress better than exercise, and it does not necessarily require a great effort for long hours, but walking or doing light exercises is enough to stimulate the heart and pump happiness hormones.

12- Practicing progressive relaxation exercises:

This rhythmic activity teaches you how to focus on specific muscles. For example, if you suffer from neck pain when you are stressed, you can focus on this area by pressing and massaging it until you feel comfortable. This exercise is also useful for those who suffer from insomnia.

13- Going out into the sun:

One of the best remedies for anxiety and stress is to get outside and get 20 minutes in the sun. This method improves mood and makes you feel relaxed.

14. Pranayama breathing exercises:

Many researchers have studied this type of exercise, and confirmed that it has many benefits. In these breathing exercises, instead of using your nostrils to breathe, you use one nostril to inhale and the mouth to exhale. This technique is also used in yoga to relieve stress.

15- Dripping cold water on the wrist:

The author says that water is a natural element known for its soothing benefits. Pouring cold water on the wrist area and the area behind the neck helps relieve tension, and the explanation is that these places pass through the arteries. 

16- Disposing of electronic devices:

Most people need electronic devices at work, but you don't have to be exposed to them all day. Therefore, the author advises allocating a limited time to check messages and e-mail, instead of wasting long hours staring at the phone and browsing social networks.

17- Closing the eyes:

Sometimes stress levels rise in the body, and a person is unable to find any way to feel better, such as being present in an important meeting and simply unable to leave or doing exercises. And the simplest solution in this case is to close your eyes and escape from time and space, to another space in which you feel happy.

18- Standing up and doing stretching exercises:

When you feel very exhausted and anxious due to sitting in a chair for a long time, it is best to get up on your feet and do some stretching exercises, in order to rejuvenate and get rid of negative emotions.

19- Neck massage with eucalyptus leaves:

Humans have long used essential oils to relieve stress and treat nervous problems. And using these materials to massage certain areas of the body leads to an improvement in the feeling in the entire body. Peppermint, eucalyptus, lavender and chamomile oils can be used.

20. Try counting.

Sometimes life gets really tough, and that's when you need to ease up on your usual regimen and pay attention to your health. Here we can benefit from one of the tricks that young children use to fall asleep, which is to start counting until you feel calm and distract your mind from the topic that causes you stress.