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8 tips to boost metabolism and burn more calories in your body

8 tips to stimulate metabolism and burn more calories in your body
8 tips to stimulate metabolism and burn more calories in your body

Your metabolism depends on your age, your gender as a woman, and the amount of muscle you have, but also your sleep, your mood, and many other things. Here are 8 tips to combat sluggishness and stimulate metabolism, in order to lose weight:

- Eat breakfast

Skipping the first meal of your day increases your risk of snacking throughout the day. The more snacks you eat, the more snacks you'll want to eat, and the more damaging the consequences for your metabolism will be.

- Keep your body hydrated

Drinking plenty of water helps increase your basal metabolism by 3%. When you are hungry, you can eliminate your cravings for snacks by drinking a glass of water.

- Gradually increase the amount of calories

Gradually increase the amount of calories
- Gradually increase the amount of calories

Your metabolism determines how many calories you burn each day. After following a low-calorie diet, if you continue to eat less food, your body will store any food to use as energy.

- Improve your sleep quality

A good sleep consists of about eight hours; And sleep deprivation for three hours already significantly disrupts the metabolism of fats. Make sure you go to bed at a set time, without lights or noises.

- Avoid processed foods

To speed up your metabolism, avoid sugar, aspartame-type sweeteners, extra fat, and any artificial foods. It enhances fat storage.

- Do bodybuilding

Physical activity naturally increases metabolism. Your body will rely on its reserves to supply muscle cells. Physical activity increases the basal metabolic rate in the long term. Health experts recommend bodybuilders in particular to replace fat with muscle.

- Reduce stress

Stress has negative consequences for your sleep, mood, and even fat storage. It slows down your metabolism and causes you to burn fewer calories than usual. Then think about reducing it by finding good methods such as practicing yoga, hiking...

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Note from "HitHealth": Before applying theses recipes or theses treatments, consult a specialist doctor.

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