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Coconut oil benefits for bodybuilding

Coconut oil is a saturated fat, however, it is unlike other saturated fats, as coconut oil is considered a healthy fat that has many benefits, and it is also a fat that must be added to the diet of bodybuilders.

Benefits of coconut oil for bodybuilding
Benefits of coconut oil for bodybuilding

Fat loss

Coconut oil consists of medium-chain fatty acids, especially lauric acid, and these fats are easily digested inside the body and quickly converted into energy that benefits the body. Dramatically increases your metabolic rates and keeps muscle mass from breaking down.


Boosts insulin secretion

The post-workout meal should contain the appropriate nutrients to stimulate the secretion of insulin because it is this hormone that fuels the cells with energy and thus nourishes your muscles. Digestion will not negatively affect the absorption of other foods as long-chain fatty acids do.

Enhances the immune functions of the body

Strenuous exercise negatively affects the immune function of the body and you are vulnerable to weakness, especially after exercise, and coconut oil contains lauric acid, which contributes greatly to improving your immunity against bacteria and viruses.


Stimulates testosterone production

Research by Hurtado de Catalvo and colleagues indicates that coconut oil stimulates testosterone production in bodybuilders, by enhancing the activity of enzymes involved in the synthesis of this hormone.

Testosterone is the main hormone responsible for muscle growth and in men it reaches its peak in the early twenties and then begins to decline with age, so coconut oil may be especially useful for bodybuilders and males in general because it increases physical activity rates and increases sexual desire And, as we said, it is especially important for bodybuilders because the testosterone hormone that oil improves production rates is a very important anabolic hormone and is a major reason why males build muscle unlike females.

Improve your exercise performance

As stated in the International Journal of Sports Nutrition and Exercise prepared by Guedick and his colleagues, coconut oil if taken before exercise will improve training performance rates very dramatically as the body uses those powerful fatty acids that are found in coconut oil along with carbohydrates to supply your body with energy During exercise, those fats in coconut oil will supply you with energy very greatly, and fatigue and pain after exercise will decrease significantly, as you will use the glycogen in your body with the accumulation of less lactic acid, and thus your pain will decrease effectively and significantly after the exercise.

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