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Best weight loss breakfast smoothies recipes

Drinking fresh juices is an effective way to get a variety of minerals, vitamins, fiber and antioxidants, but juices also have other health benefits, including speeding up weight loss.

best weight loss breakfast smoothies recipes
Best weight loss breakfast smoothies recipes

It is noteworthy that juices are auxiliary factors and do not alone lead to weight loss. Losing weight requires following a healthy diet with increased physical activity. It is also advised not to add sugar to juices if the desired goal is to reduce weight.

Here is a list of the most important juices to burn belly and body fat that can be eaten without feeling guilty.

green juice

The ingredients of green juices vary, but most of them feature a mixture of leafy greens such as cucumber, spinach, celery, kale and green apple and these ingredients can be changed according to the consumer's taste.

Green juice is low in sugar and rich in anti-inflammatory fiber, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.

It was noted that the consumption of green juice was associated with a decrease in body weight and a reduced risk of weight gain and fat gain over time.

watermelon juice

It is one of the drinks rich in fiber and excellent for hydrating the body because it contains a large percentage of water and low calories, as each 100 grams of it contains only 30 calories.

This drink is rich in amino acids, especially arginine, which helps in burning fat and increasing the amount of muscle.

Watermelon is also a great source of heart-healthy nutrients like potassium, immune-supporting antioxidants, and vitamins A and C.

Lemon and mint juice

One of the refreshing juices that are low in calories and rich in antioxidants and various nutrients that help lose weight and improve health. Mint helps improve digestion and get rid of colic and gas, and at the same time lemon cleanses the intestines and rid the body of toxins.

The addition of ginger to the lemon and mint mixture enhances its effect in losing weight and increasing metabolism.

carrot juice

Carrot juice is one of the ideal juices for weight loss and rich in nutrients, as it contains a lot of vitamin A and carotenoids, as well as its richness in fiber that helps to feel full and helps withstand hunger until the next meal. It also increases the secretion of bile, which helps in burning fat. And carrots are among the vegetables that fight water retention and inflammation, and adding half an orange and some ginger helps eliminate toxins in the body and make a fat-burning drink.

cucumber juice

It is a light and refreshing juice that is low in calories, as each one cup (104 g) contains only 16 calories. It also contains a high percentage of water and fiber, which helps to feel full for longer and lose weight.

Cucumber juice helps relieve constipation and relieve stomach pain and inflammation. Some studies have indicated that cucumber contains a compound called sterols that helps reduce cholesterol in the blood, and that it contains a very small percentage of sodium helps reduce blood pressure, which can cause an increase in belly fat. Adding lemon and mint leaves to cucumber juice helps eliminate toxins and reduce belly fat.

pomegranate juice

Pomegranate juice is rich in antioxidants that are three times the amount found in green tea (polyphenols and linolenic acid). These antioxidants help boost metabolism and increase the rate of fat burning, especially the fat accumulated in the abdomen and buttocks area. Pomegranate juice also helps reduce the sudden rise in blood sugar, thus reducing the desire to eat. In addition to its contribution to weight loss, it is a rich source of vitamin C, providing the body with more than 40 percent of its daily needs.

pineapple juice

The effect of pineapple juice on weight loss is due to the fact that it contains the enzyme bromelain, which plays a role in protein metabolism and burns excess belly fat, and has anti-inflammatory properties. Furthermore, bromelain works with other enzymes such as lipase to digest fats and reduce appetite.

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