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Benefits of turmeric for weight loss and its recipes for burning fat

Excess weight is a problem facing many these days as they seek to lose weight and maintain their health in a proper manner, and to lose weight, people usually resort to safer methods such as exercising or eating natural foods and herbs that help lose weight, and one of the most important natural herbs that help to lose weight. what is this plant and what are its benefits in this topic?

Turmeric plant
Turmeric plant

What is the turmeric plant? 

The turmeric plant is a tall, bright yellow plant that grows in Asia and Central America and is also called Indian saffron or golden spice. It is also used in traditional Indian folk medicine, and turmeric has many medical benefits and helps in losing weight and reducing belly fat.

Benefits of turmeric for weight loss

Turmeric has healthy benefits that contribute to weight loss, as it:

  • Most of the health benefits of turmeric are due to curcumin, a compound with powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Curcumin is believed to help combat some of the inflammatory markers that may play a role in obesity, which are usually elevated in people who are overweight, as it suppresses the inflammatory state in fat cells, pancreas, and muscle.
  • Curcumin promotes weight loss and reduces the growth of adipose tissue, which contributes to preventing weight gain.
  • Curcumin increases levels of adiponectin, a hormone that helps regulate the body's metabolism.
  • Turmeric also contributes to regulating sugar levels and reducing insulin resistance, which in turn increases fat burning in the body.
  • Consumption of turmeric increases the production of bile in the stomach, which is a digestive juice that helps metabolize fats and contribute to weight loss.

How to use turmeric for weight loss

Weight loss is one of the most important health properties of turmeric, and it can be used in more than one way. Here we explain how and the types of ways in which turmeric is used for weight loss:

  • Turmeric is used by adding it with spices to food such as rice dishes and desserts and adding it with curry spices, and using turmeric with spices is one of the safest ways to use it.
  • The use of turmeric with black pepper helps in the absorption of curcumin, which helps to lose weight significantly.
  • Turmeric can also be used in capsule form, and the health benefits of turmeric are higher when used in doses such as turmeric extracts and turmeric supplements.
  • An individual needs between 500-2000 mg of turmeric extract per day to get the desired results.
  • You should avoid taking high doses of turmeric for more than two months.
  • Turmeric can also be used as a tea drink and can be made as a drink in many different ways.
  • Turmeric drink is very beneficial for the digestive system and is the best way to use it in order to lose weight and reduce belly fat.
  • When trying to lose weight, there should be a healthy balanced diet that mixes healthy foods and herbs to help maintain a proper metabolism.

Turmeric drinks for slimming and weight loss

There are a variety of drinks in which turmeric is used to lose weight, but the most used turmeric drinks are drinks that are similar in manufacture to tea, even called turmeric tea, and turmeric drinks help lose weight by regulating blood sugar levels, which prevents insulin resistance, and one of the most popular turmeric drinks Frequently used are:

Turmeric and Ginger Drink:

  • Put two cups of water in a pot and put the pot on the fire until it boils.
  • Put a little turmeric and ginger into the boiling water and let it boil for five minutes.
  • After boiling, turn off the heat and leave the mixture until it cools down and becomes the normal temperature.
  • After that, you can drink the mixture, which suppresses the appetite for food and helps in losing weight and helps maintain blood sugar levels.

Turmeric Drink With Mint Leaves:

  • If you do not like the flavor of ginger, you can use mint leaves instead, as they are added to boiling water with turmeric in the same steps used with ginger and turmeric drink.
  • Mint leaves contain very few calories and contain large amounts of fiber and help prevent indigestion, stimulate digestive enzymes and convert fats into energy.

Turmeric and Cinnamon Drink:

  • Put one or two cups of water in a pot and bring it to a boil.
  • Turmeric is added to the water and should be kept on the fire for 5 minutes while it is boiling.
  • After that, the fire is turned off under it and left to cool down a little, then a little cinnamon powder is added to it.
  • Cinnamon helps improve insulin sensitivity and is also a powerful antioxidant.

Turmeric drink with honey:

  • After making a turmeric drink, a little honey is added to it for sweetening.
  • Honey helps suppress appetite and has anti-inflammatory properties that aid weight loss.
  • Avoid adding sugar to turmeric drink.

Other health benefits of turmeric

Turmeric has many health benefits besides its usefulness in losing weight, including:

  • Turmeric is a powerful anti-inflammatory that helps the body fight disease-causing infections.
  • Turmeric significantly increases the body's antioxidant capacity, protects against free radicals, and enhances the body's antioxidant enzymes. Curcumin also has powerful antioxidant effects. It neutralizes free radicals on its own but also stimulates the body's antioxidant enzymes.
  • Curcumin protects against the risk of heart disease by helping to improve the lining of blood vessels and reduce inflammation and oxidation that play a role in heart disease.
  • Turmeric helps prevent the formation of cancer cells, as curcumin helps to influence the growth, development and spread of cancer on the partial fold, contributes to the death of cancer cells and reduces the formation of new blood vessels in tumors. It particularly helps prevent gastrointestinal cancer.
  • Turmeric helps prevent Alzheimer's disease as the main feature of Alzheimer's disease is the buildup of tangled proteins called amyloid plaques, and curcumin can help remove these plaques.
  • Curcumin is a powerful anti-inflammatory compound that helps prevent arthritis
  • Turmeric helps delay aging and fight age-related chronic diseases due to its positive effects such as preventing heart disease, Alzheimer’s and cancer. Curcumin may help extend life without exposure to diseases that may appear

Side effects and precautions for using turmeric

Eating turmeric is generally considered safe, and it can be taken up to 8 grams for up to two months or 3 grams for up to three months safely. Or diarrhea, which are more common effects at higher doses, and there are some cases in which it is preferable to avoid the use of turmeric, such as:

  • Bleeding problems: as turmeric may slow blood clotting, especially when taken with medications that cause blood clotting, which may lead to bleeding.
  • Gallbladder problems: Turmeric can worsen gallbladder problems, so you should avoid taking turmeric if you have problems such as gallstones or blockage of the bile duct.
  • Diabetes: Turmeric may lower blood sugar in people with diabetes, so it should be used with caution.
  • Gastroesophageal reflux disease: Turmeric may cause stomach upset in some people and make stomach problems worse.
  • Fertility problems: Turmeric may reduce testosterone and reduce sperm motility in men, which affects their fertility, so it is best to avoid turmeric by men who are seeking to have a child.
  • Iron deficiency: Eating large amounts of turmeric may inhibit iron absorption.
  • Pregnancy: Turmeric is likely to cause uterine stimulation, putting pregnancy at risk, so it is best to avoid taking it during pregnancy.

Kathryn Watson's article “Positive and Negative Health Effects of Turmeric” was published in, revised on 7/17/2020.
The article “Turmeric tea for weight loss: 4 ways to make an effective tea to reduce belly fat” was published in, reviewed on 7/18/2020.
The article “Ground spices and turmeric” was published in, revised on 7/18/2020.
Katherine Marengo article "Does turmeric help with weight loss?" Posted in, revised on 16/7/2020.
Kris Gunnars article “Ten Proven Health Benefits of Turmeric and Curcumin” was published in Reviewed 7/17/2020.
The article “Turmeric” was published on, and it was revised on 16/7/2020.

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