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Benefits of brewer's yeast and how to use it

The tremendous benefits of beer yeast for human health have been discovered since ancient times and have also been used for cosmetic purposes. What is beer yeast and what are its health and cosmetic benefits, and how is beer yeast used for hair and face or to treat health problems?

brewer's yeast
Brewer's yeast

What is beer yeast?

Brewer's Yeast is a bitter-tasting substance consisting of unicellular fungi that reproduce asexually in the presence of oxygen by consuming surrounding sugars and excreting alcohol and carbon dioxide. It is used in the manufacture of dough and the production of beer. Brewer's yeast is called by this name Because it is obtained through the process of fermenting soaked malt from the top near the surface of the brine, it is also called high fermentation yeast. [1-3]

Brewer's yeast has many health benefits for the body and for the skin in general, because it contains a lot of nutrients, it is a major source of vitamin B, and there are many forms that are manufactured to be used as a food supplement for some cases, as it is found in the form of powder, flakes, liquid or tablets. .

How to use beer yeast

There are many uses for brewer's yeast, either orally or by applying it topically to moisturize the skin and strengthen the hair, here are some ways that you can follow at home to take advantage of the benefits of brewer's yeast:

Dry powder: It is the form used in nutritional yeast, brewer's yeast powder can be added to the diet at a dose of one or two tablespoons per day for an adult, and because it has a bitter taste, some prefer to add it to juices or some foods.

Brewer's yeast capsules: In cases of diarrhea, beer yeast capsules at a dose of 500 mg are used once a day, and twice a day in the treatment of symptoms of Irritable Bowel Syndrome.

Beer yeast mask for hair loss: A beer yeast mask can be made to treat cases of hair loss and support the process of hair growth, by adding 5 tablespoons of beer yeast and half a spoon of olive oil and adding an amount of water until the mixture turns into a thick paste and applied to dry hair and left for an hour on At least then shower, and repeat this process once a week.

Beer yeast mask to treat dry hair: Using beer yeast with olive oil and honey helps revitalize and treat dry and damaged hair and increases its hydration and luster. Mix 3 tablespoons of beer yeast with a cup of olive oil and a spoonful of honey and apply it to the hair for half an hour, then take a shower. This process is repeated twice a week.

Beer yeast face mask: For people with dry skin, you can use a face mask consisting of beer yeast with milk and honey, mix a tablespoon of beer yeast with a tablespoon of milk and a tablespoon of honey, then massage this product on the face and neck, wait for 20 minutes, then wash your face with warm water This mixture will help soften and moisturize the skin as well as get rid of the dead skin layer. [2-4]

How to make beer yeast at home

Brewer's yeast can be prepared at home using flour and water, mixing them well, then exposing the mixture to high heat, then cooling it, transferring it to an airtight container and letting it ferment for two days, and the yeast is ready for use.

Health benefits of brewer's yeast

Brewer's yeast has tremendous health benefits because it contains nutrients from vitamins, minerals and proteins that support the health of the body in general, and some of these benefits are:

Treatment of diarrhea caused by antibiotics: Beer yeast contains microflora, which is one of the natural germs found in the intestines that helps regulate the digestive process. normal levels in the body.

Improving the function of the immune system: Eating brewer's yeast may help improve the immune system because it contains a group of vitamins B, which acts as antioxidants, and many necessary minerals and proteins that strengthen blood cells, which helps in increasing the body's resistance and strengthening its immunity.

Helps in cases of type 2 diabetes: Chromium present in high concentrations in brewer's yeast helps control blood sugar levels in patients with type 2 diabetes by improving glucose tolerance, in addition to preventing neuropathy that may be associated with diabetes because it includes It contains vitamin B1, B9.

Improving the function of the digestive system: Eating brewer's yeast helps relieve stomach pain, diarrhea and constipation that are associated with Irritable Bowel Syndrome, as well as helps maintain the health of the muscles in the digestive system.

Prevention of respiratory diseases: Brewer's yeast strengthens the immune system, which helps treat colds and other infections related to the respiratory system. It helps to replenish white blood cells, which plays an important role in alleviating the symptoms of respiratory tract infection.

Maintaining women's health during pregnancy: Brewer's yeast contains nutrients and proteins that support pregnancy, and folic acid and iron in it help prevent anemia that a woman may experience during pregnancy.

Fertility support in men: The use of brewer's yeast pills may help improve fertility in men because it contains selenium, which is necessary for reproductive health in men, as it improves sperm quality and increase its number, as it works with a mechanism similar to antioxidants. [2]

Benefits of beer yeast for the face

Beer yeast has a great ability to maintain the health of the skin, because it contains antioxidants that fight inflammation, as well as a great role in combating signs of aging in addition to its role in moisturizing the skin. Among the properties that can benefit the skin are:

Dry face treatment: The use of brewer's yeast is the ideal solution to treat dry skin because of the high content of potassium that works to moisturize the skin deeply, as well as maintain skin moisture for a long time, in addition to niacin (vitamin B3), which is one of the vitamins recommended to moisturize and soften the skin.

Stimulating the renewal of facial cells: Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) found in brewer's yeast helps stimulate the production of new skin cells, which helps to get rid of pigmentation as well as the effects of acne and helps to unify the skin tone, and is recommended for use in cases of skin eczema as well as in cases of dermatitis associated with dryness Skin.

Delaying skin aging: Beer yeast, by applying it as a face mask or by taking it orally, helps prevent skin aging and reduce signs of aging, because it has folic acid and vitamin B1, a very effective antioxidant that helps stimulate collagen in the skin. A group of effective proteins that work to tighten the skin and make the skin more fresh and healthy.

Acne: Regular use of beer yeast on the face helps treat acne for its anti-inflammatory role and fight the bacteria that cause acne, and folic acid and vitamin B1 with its antioxidant effect increase the skin’s ability to resist these bacteria, which improves the appearance and strength of the skin.

Smoothing and moisturizing the skin and filling the pores: brewer's yeast helps in enhancing the integrity of the skin, as it is a source of beta-glucan that works to contend with free radicals. It also produces amino acids and peptides that help in the renewal of skin cells and thus obtaining smoother skin. It also stimulates the production of collagen that works on Filling the pores of the skin. [1-2]

Benefits of beer yeast for hair

Brewer's yeast contains a group of proteins that support hair health, as well as vitamins that stimulate creatine, which is an essential component of hair strands. It is used in the treatment of many hair problems, including:

Hair loss treatment: Brewers yeast can be used to treat hair loss because it contains a large group of vitamins, minerals and proteins necessary to nourish the hair roots. Iron and folic acid help in promoting blood circulation to the scalp, which helps in strengthening the hair and preventing its loss.

Strengthening the hair structure: The fact that brewer’s yeast contains a vitamin B group in addition to a group of amino acids such as biotin, which works mainly to strengthen the hair structure helps in obtaining healthy and strong hair, and thus the appearance and texture of hair wonderful and more shiny.

Dandruff of the scalp treatment: Dandruff is one of the problems that both men and women may face, and it also causes an increase in hair loss. Beer yeast moisturizes the scalp and provides it with many vitamins that maintain its health.

Prevention of hair breakage: Hair breakage is a symptom of dry hair and weak structure, in addition to the moisturizing property provided by beer yeast for hair, it contains a group of vitamins B1, B5, B6, B9 that contribute to stimulating creatine in the hair, which is an essential component of hair.

Increasing the rate of hair growth: Hair growth is mainly related to the strength of the hair, root and scalp. In addition to the benefits of brewer’s yeast in strengthening and maintaining the health of these elements, it works to extend hair with biotin and minerals and its ability to stimulate creatine, which contributes to faster and stronger hair growth. [2-4]

Beer yeast side effects 

There are many precautions that must be followed before starting to use brewer's yeast, as it is not suitable for use by all people, because of its many interactions and disturbing effects, especially on the digestive system, and among the effects that should be wary of:

Allergy to brewer's yeast: Some people may have an allergic reaction to yeast. The allergy may appear in the form of difficulty breathing, swelling of the throat or skin irritation.

Digestive effects: Gas is a common symptom when taking beer yeast pills, in addition to the lack of stomach comfort, especially when taken in excessive doses and for long periods.

Diabetics: There may be an interaction between brewer's yeast and medications taken by diabetics, as brewer's yeast lowers blood sugar in addition to the effect of sugar-lowering drugs, causing symptoms of severe hypoglycemia.

Interactions with some antidepressants: Brewer's yeast should be avoided with antidepressants that contain MAOIs, because they contain high concentrations of tyramine, which interacts with MAOIs, which causes severe and dangerous high blood pressure that may cause a heart attack or stroke.

People with Crohn's disease: ulcerative colitis, brewer's yeast can irritate the colon in these patients, so it is necessary to consult a doctor before starting to use it.

People with weak immune diseases: In cases of a disease with weak immunity, such as cancer patients who receive chemotherapy or people with acquired immunodeficiency virus, fungi can multiply inside the body and spread the infection in the body. [1-2-3]


  1. Anna Giorgi's article "Beer Yeast" published on, revised 6/7/2022.
  2. Ana Aleksic's article “Over Eight Surprising Yeast Benefits + Nutrition, Uses” posted at Reviewed 7/7/2022.
  3. Danielle Dresden's article "What are the Benefits of Nutritional Brewer's Yeast?" Published in, revised on 7/8/2022.
  4. Donna Murray's article "The Health Benefits of Brewer's Yeast" was published at and was revised on 7/9/2022.

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