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8 tips to lose weight without losing muscle (cutting phase)

The cutting phase is one of the best periods for bodybuilders and fitness, it is a good opportunity to enjoy the effort that went into months of training and dieting, and take pictures to track progress and keep them as a reminder of the goals that have been achieved.

"It's simple, I eat less fast food, I work out with more repetitions." I am sorry to tell you that this plan will not get you to the muscle toning you dream of, all you get is a loss of muscle mass that you took months to build. Let me guide you the fastest way to lose body fat.

8 tips to lose weight without losing muscle

1. Calculate your calories

You can dry without counting calories, but it takes a lot of experience in nutrition to be able to develop in the cutting period to do so.

Calculating calories enables you to know your body's need for food more accurately to achieve your goal of losing fat in the shortest period of time, because the shorter the drying period, the less muscle losses will be.

Calorie counting provides you with the ability to track your progress, by measuring how well you have been consuming a certain number of calories and comparing it to the previous plan, and tracking in turn allows you to professionally decide your next plan. All of these benefits are hard to achieve without counting your calories.

Calculating calories was difficult before through many equations and calculations, now with the click of a button you can calculate your calories.

2. Track Your Nutrients - Macros

Keeping track of nutrients from fats, proteins and carbohydrates is very important, especially during the period of muscle toning. By knowing the amount of each food element according to the goal, you will be able to change your body as you wish.

When it comes to drying, the plan is:

Constant amount of fats.

More proteins.

Less carbohydrates.

The goal of this distribution of nutrients is to give limited energy resources to the body by consuming less carbohydrates to push the body to dismantle stored fats for use as an energy source, and to give ample amino acids to the body to reduce the chances of muscle breakdown, and finally provide the recommended healthy amount of fats for the body to do all its functions properly.

3. Plan the timing of your meals

What is the best number of meals? three? Or maybe six?

There is no ideal number of meals that should be eaten in one day, simply choose the number that suits your lifestyle, if you are, for example, a student, you do not have to eat your meal in the break while others take a break in preparation for the next session, in other words, you must find the timing that makes you reach your goal Athlete without hindering your other goals.

You cannot follow 6 small meals a day that make you feel very hungry, or 3 large meals a day that make it difficult to complete without feeling full just because someone recommended it, it is more correct to choose the right number for you that enables you to continue the regime without any kind of suffering.

4. Do cardio

Cardio exercises are very important during the drying period to reach your goal as quickly as possible, as it helps you burn additional calories, as well as speed up your body's metabolic rate.

The best fat-burning cardio workout is the one that fits your lifestyle best, simply:

If you are very busy: Do HIIT Cardio for 20-30 minutes.

If you have time: Do LESS Cardio for 45-90 minutes.

5. Get comfortable

During the drying period, muscle recovery becomes slower due to the heat deficit that has been created, so be sure to take opportunities to rest and relax completely between the hours of your day.

In a study published in 2008, it was demonstrated that lack of sleep is associated with obesity and high fat content, so make sure that you get enough sleep (8-9 hours) of high quality, at night and in a cool, dark room to provide the appropriate conditions for your body to respond to diet and training, Effectively burning fat while preserving muscle.

6. Drink more water

 Drinking water in abundance is something that is required at all times for the body to function properly, but during the drying period it becomes important for burning fat. A study published in 2016 confirmed that drinking water in abundance is linked to fat loss.

The extra hydration will also help fuel your body during your workouts, so you'll be able to increase the intensity of your workouts and eventually burn more calories.

Drinking water with your meals will make you feel full and full and allow you to complete the diet easily despite the low calories.

7. Avoid drinking juices

 One glass of orange juice contains two medium oranges, this is a large amount of carbohydrates that pass to your stomach in less than 5 seconds, and digest at full speed because it is a liquid, and certainly this does not serve your goals during the drying period, you need a low-calorie meal and make you feel full.

If you insist on drinking juices, the most appropriate alternative is calorie-free vegetable juices, so you will get dietary fiber to feel full, in addition to many minerals and vitamins to support your body in the drying period.

8. Cook your own meals

Regardless of whether you are good at cooking delicious or not, cooking your own meals means that you know exactly what they contain, unlike letting someone do it or ordering meals from outside, where it will be difficult for you to keep track of food ingredients and count nutrients and calories.

Even meals that you think are healthy or low in calories can contain hidden sugars and fats, increasing their calorie content.

It is good to cook today's meals last night, this will help you save time for cooking each meal separately, and avoid getting bored, in addition to the possibility of eating the meal at the right time without delay.


Losing fat and maintaining muscle can be a challenge for bodybuilders and fitness players for decades, and only commitment, tracking and analysis of results can improve your cutting skills.

And always remember that successful drying must be preceded by successful amplification!

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