The biceps muscle is considered one of the average muscles and you need to exercise it two to three times during the week, sometimes you find a problem in the biceps muscle and the difficulty of inflating it and knowing all the reasons why the biceps muscle does not grow and determine the main reason will say goodbye to this problem forever.

The secret to build and increase the size of the biceps muscles naturally
The secret to build and increase the size of the biceps muscles naturally

Why doesn't the biceps grow?

The biceps muscle, like the rest of the body’s muscles, needs to grow to a number of criteria that must be adhered to, which is to expose the biceps muscle to muscular effort and overload through our exercise, as well as proper nutrition and protein intake for what your body needs, in addition to the rest of the other criteria Which are the basics of building muscle in bodybuilding in general.

Important tips for building biceps

But with your commitment to all the standards necessary for building muscle, you will find that sometimes there is still some weakness or very slow noticeable in building and growing the biceps muscle. In this case, many experts in the sport of bodybuilding have provided us with solutions that are considered effective based on the experiences of many practitioners of the sport BodyBuilding.

  • Practicing biceps exercises using free weights, not using modern equipment, which gives a stronger and more effective result in the process of amplifying and building the biceps muscle.
  • Eat more protein the day you work out your biceps.
  • Eating the vitamins and minerals that the body needs is essential besides protein, which you get from fruits and vegetables or through nutritional supplements.
  • Extreme focus in the way you perform biceps exercises and attention to mental and muscular interdependence until you get fantastic results and will increase your muscle building rates doubly.
  • Doing some different forms of exercise that stimulate the biceps muscle to produce more muscle fibers, such as the superset and drop set methods, which are very effective in targeting as many muscle fibers as possible.
  • You must make sure that you are doing the biceps exercises correctly, try using a trainer or a friend of yours to make sure that you are targeting the biceps muscle correctly.

How often do you exercise the biceps muscle?

We always say and remember that effectiveness is more important than quantity, and in the sport of bodybuilding, you may find that those who go to the gym fewer times than you have gained more muscle mass than you.

You should always keep in your head that the idea of ​​doubling the number of times of exercises for the biceps muscle will not give faster results, on the contrary, it will have a negative effect and you will find that you neglect the rest of the muscles in your body and in the end instead of looking for the reason why the biceps muscle does not grow, you will look for the reason not The growth of the rest of the muscles of the body.

Therefore, it is always better to exercise the biceps muscle two or three times at most, with attention to the rest of the most important factors, namely nutrition with proper and correct performance.

Detailing the biceps muscle

One of the things that every modern or even old trainee in bodybuilding should take care of is always trying to get the anatomy and muscle detail.

Detailing the biceps muscle is not difficult, all you have to do is try to target the muscle fibers of the biceps muscle with many exercises until you have been able to fully target the biceps muscle.