Is the 30s really the best years for a woman?

Some studies indicate that the age of thirty-five is the best age in a person’s entire life, and that true happiness begins at the age of thirty-three, and she referred to this age in particular as the beginning of true happiness.

healthy habits for women in thirties
healthy habits for women in thirties

Others conducted on people over the age of forty, and the participants in the study described that their thirties are characterized by a high sense of hope for the future, high self-confidence and the talents possessed by humans. Briton says that a person's best career year is often 34 years old; As he reaches professional equilibrium by the time he reaches the age of thirty-eight, he attains a complete sense of reassurance, contentment and self-satisfaction.

 But things are not quite so great. Women in their late twenties and early thirties go through a psychological struggle called a quarter-life crisis. At the end of each decade of our lives we take stock of all the years of that decade, and evaluate all the decisions we made, the sacrifices we made, and our career gains compared to our efforts, and float The surface has a set of existential questions about our definition of ourselves and our self-identity; who we are, what we really want out of life, and where we are going,

Therefore, passing from one age stage to another is a transitional interval that determines what is beyond it because of this pause with oneself, which may be painful, and reviewing what has passed and asking urgently whether the following years of life will bring with it happiness and achievements that were not achieved in the previous ones, and at the beginning Thirties These questions center with the self about achievements and career choices, and the next goal in life is to ensure long-term happiness,

 And do the choices we made during our professional, family, and health journey make us happy in the long run, and at this stage a person begins to differentiate between his personal desires and needs and what he used to do as a compliment to those around him and has no benefit from him, so the thirties usually carry radical changes in the way of life and professional and family choices And below we discuss the particular health aspect of those changes that may help you secure a healthy life in the long term

How do I maintain my health at the age of 30?

With the beginning of the thirties, a woman may face a set of health challenges that she has to deal with early, as her body begins to lose muscle mass gradually, and the density of her bones and teeth is decreasing, and she may face a group of disorders related to hormones, the menstrual cycle, and fertility, which in turn have a psychological impact on her. It can lead to depression, but she can reduce the impact of these changes with a range of lifestyle changes, including:

Diet: Once a woman reaches her thirties, she may notice some shifts in her weight, as the amount of weight she gains and where this weight is distributed in her body changes. With age, her body requires fewer calories in order not to gain excess weight, and we will discuss this in more detail below the article.

Sports: Sports become a necessity at the beginning of the thirties, as the body’s burning rate decreases, and it begins to lose its muscle tissue, and fat accumulates more quickly. Or playing with children games that require movement and running, swimming, horseback riding, or just walking with friends, and you can join a sports club with the aim of committing more to a healthy daily habit.

Supporting bone health: In the thirties the bones begin to lose more density, which leads to an increased risk of osteoporosis, and women at this age have to balance the lost bone density by stimulating bone building more, by practicing weight-bearing exercises, standing and sitting incorrectly. Affecting the shape of the spine and its curvature, and practicing muscular stretching exercises, especially for the abdominal muscles, to support the spine and protect it from bending. Yoga can be practiced, as this type of exercise strengthens muscle capacity and supports joints.

Skin: It is time for continuous skin care, there is no time for it. In the thirties the skin begins to lose its moisture and the first signs of aging begin to appear in the form of barely visible fine lines, the first of which appear around the eyes and mouth, and grains begin to appear again on the skin, so it represents Good hydration of the skin is the first line of defense, as well as regular exfoliation to remove dry, dull skin and dead cells that hinder the work of glands in the skin. It is preferable to use lotions and creams filled with antioxidants and vitamins, because these natural ingredients protect skin cells from oxidation and free radicals that cause aging.

Breasts: A woman’s breasts are affected by their female hormone levels, and any change in their hormones directly affects the health and appearance of the breasts, as some hormonal changes may cause the appearance of lumps or cysts that may be benign or cancerous in the breasts, or breast fibrosis, and represents the hormonal balance in women Women are the cornerstone of breast health, and sports and proper healthy nutrition full of fruits, vegetables and antioxidants support the health of the breasts in a greater proportion. that result during pregnancy, or due to rapid changes in weight, increase or decrease, knowing that preventing these lines is much better than trying to treat them later because they are difficult to treat and stubborn, and sports are very useful in preventing any cracks in the skin in general and in the breasts in particular.

Periodic check-ups: In order to maintain health, a set of periodic check-ups must be carried out, especially with the woman reaching the age of thirty. She must put on her list of routine tasks general check-ups that include basic blood tests, blood sugar, blood pressure, hormone balance, breast and genital examinations, and examination The skin, especially moles and colored birthmarks, to ensure its safety and not to change, and a periodic examination of the mouth and teeth is required, and it is preferable to conduct a periodic cleaning of the mouth and teeth at the dentist to remove the deposits, and periodic examinations include eye examination, especially if eye diseases are common in the family, and eye health reveals about Initial signs of an internal organic defect such as the onset of high blood pressure and the onset of diabetes, and the examinations include any family inherited diseases or diseases that a woman has a greater chance of contracting for some reason than others.

Tips to take care of your skin after age of 30?

The sooner a woman begins to take care of her skin, the more benefits that appear as clear differences in the appearance of the skin between her and her peers of the same age.

The healthy food: Food is the basis for everything related to health, including, of course, the health of the skin, and as we mentioned above, choosing the right food is strongly reflected on the appearance of the body from the outside as well as from the inside, which contributes to purifying the body of toxins and leads to enjoying bright skin.

Sports: For the skin, exercise is an important factor in maintaining its elasticity, and ridding it of toxins through sweating.

Appropriate lotions: It is smart to choose products that are free of harmful chemicals, even if they are more expensive than the usual ones, because the skin absorbs the substances that are placed on it and is affected by it. Dietary supplements: Some vitamins play an auxiliary role in building collagen, which gives the skin its elasticity, including vitamin E and vitamin C.

Skin treatment sessions: It is preferable to undergo a skin treatment session once a month at the hands of specialized people, because these sessions treat any problem present in its beginning and stimulate the skin to renew, and clean it from harmful accumulations periodically.

Exfoliation: It is preferable to exfoliate the skin at least three times a week. The process of exfoliation is important to maintain healthy skin, as it gets rid of dead skin and substances that clog pores and prevent it from secreting substances responsible for self-hydration of the skin.

Drinking water: It is recommended to drink eight to ten glasses of water a day, because water facilitates the elimination of toxins in the body, increases skin moisture and protects it from dehydration.

Moisturizing the skin: It is necessary to maintain permanent external hydration of the skin using body creams, face creams, and cream around the eyes, as well as the routine use of evening cream before going to bed.

Prevention of sun damage: It is always recommended to use sunscreen, regardless of age, but the need for it increases as a woman ages to protect her skin from the harmful effects of the sun’s rays, and this requires the use of a sunscreen with a high protection factor, and there are some types of cosmetic base creams that contain Among its components is a sunscreen.

Avoid smoking: smoke contains toxic substances that accelerate aging and impede the work of antioxidants that are beneficial to the skin.

Foods to avoid after the age of 30s

Among the most prominent changes that a woman should pay special attention to after reaching her thirties are her food choices and eating habits, and the most important foods to avoid are the following:

Sugar: It is possible to keep the skin young later in life by reducing or abstaining from sugar intake, as it has been shown to accelerate the appearance of wrinkles and sagging skin, as well as lead to insulin resistance that precedes diabetes, and is linked to polycystic ovary syndrome, which leads Eating foods rich in sugar also leads to cardiovascular disease, and it includes avoiding or reducing sugar as well as every food item that goes into its manufacture such as canned food, sweets, baked goods, ready meals, juices, white flour, canned potato chips, and even flavored milk.

Canned vegetables: Canned vegetables contain preservatives, a lot of sodium, and lead to high blood pressure, and some additives to canned foods may lead to cancer, lack of fertility, and weight gain.

Foods rich in calories and poor in nutrients: Food in itself may not be harmful, but because of the low rate of burning in a woman’s body after the age of thirty, energy-rich foods poor in nutrients become a cause of weight gain without reaping any nutritional benefit.

Artificial sweeteners: Artificial sweeteners are found in many foods, are harmful to liver function and are not a good alternative to regular sugar.

Pesticides: Vegetables and fruits that are full of pesticides should be avoided, and replaced with pesticide-free organic foodstuffs as much as possible, as pesticides disrupt the hormonal balance in a woman's body, and lead to her gaining excess weight.

Bad fats: such as margarine, fried foods, microwave butter, saturated and hydrogenated fats.

Caffeine: It is preferable to avoid caffeine, which is present in many beverages, including soft drinks, coffee, tea, and energy drinks. it reduce fertility.

Soy sauce: There is a link between eating soy sauce and breast cancer, and it leads to menstrual irregularities, and soy products lead to hyperthyroidism, and soy sauce contains a toxic substance for the nervous system called glutamic acid, and soy sauce affects the absorption of some minerals. From the intestine, which leads to its deficiency in the body, soy increases the rates of heart disease, affects the growth of the fetus, and may lead to kidney stones, kidney failure and respiratory crisis in the long run.

Masks after the age of thirty

One of the best face masks in the thirties that contains anti-aging and anti-oxidants, and we mention them:

Avocado mask with oats: Mix half an avocado after mashing it with a spoon of oats, and leave it on the face for 10-20 minutes, then rinse the face with warm water.

Banana mask: mash a banana with a little rose water, and spread it on the face for 15-30 minutes.

Rice water mask: Soak paper tissues in rice water for ten minutes, then place these tissues on the face for 15-30 minutes.

Coffee mask: Mix a tablespoon of coffee with a teaspoon of cocoa powder and a tablespoon of coconut oil, then spread the mask on the face for 15-30 minutes, then gently peel the face with this mask with cold water.

Turmeric mask: Mix one tablespoon of turmeric with three tablespoons of rose water, apply the mixture on the face and neck for 20 minutes, then rinse with cold water and gently dry the face.

What is the cause of sagging face at the age of 30?

The face sag after thirty due to the lack of collagen in the skin, as this substance is responsible for the elasticity of the skin, as well as because of the demolition of the muscles that tighten the skin in the body in general and the face in particular.[6]

How do I reduce the wrinkles of the 30s?

Wrinkles can be reduced by exercising, following a healthy diet, avoiding harmful food and toxins, maintaining hormonal balance in the body, and reducing psychological stress, stress and anxiety.

References :

  1. Carolyn Gregoire (2014-11-30), "What Science Says About Being In Your 30s"، huffpost, Retrieved 2020-5-13. Edited. 
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  6. DANA LEIGH SMITH (2020-2-18), "30 Foods You Should Never Eat After Age 30"، eatthis, Retrieved 2020-5-15. Edited. 
  7. DoctorNDTV (2018-3-8), "Here's Why Soy Sauce Is Bad For You"، doctor.ndtv, Retrieved 2020-5-15. Edited. 
  8. Ramya Achanta (2019-8-6), "Anti Aging Face Masks You Must Try At Home – Our Top 15"، stylecraze, Retrieved 2020-5-15. Edited.