In this article, we present the best protein-rich plant foods along with important tips you must know to build muscle with plant protein.

The 5 best vegetarian meals for building muscle
The 5 best vegetarian meals for building muscle

The diet of a family food machine, but can follow as a healthy lifestyle, found that the nutritional and green values, low proportion of weight and status, but there are also some reasons for weight and protection. Those wanting to build muscle try a vegetarian diet, but mostly the protein in plant foods.


Soybeans are one of the highest sources of protein that you can rely on in a vegetarian diet. Each hundred grams of soybeans contains 36 grams of protein. It is also rich in important minerals and vitamins such as iron, potassium, calcium, phosphorous and magnesium.


Lentils are staple foods that help increase your feeling of satiety and fullness, ride energy, solar energy, and less throughout the day.


Lupine is equal in plant foods, and lupine is rich in fiber and vitamins such as vitamin C, magnesium, potassium and phosphorous.


Quinoa is one of the best types of whole grains that you can rely on in a healthy and vegetarian diet


The nutrients that have been ingested are nutrient dense, fragrant, and our skin you can add to your vegan diet like peanuts, almonds, pistachios and cashews.

Tips for building muscle with a vegetarian diet

It is always rumored that the vegetarian system is poor in terms of high-quality protein or that the vegetarians are unable to gain muscle mass, the reason is that plant foods differ in protein composition from animal foods in terms of the nine essential amino acids, most plants except a few. It does not contain the nine acids needed to build muscle mass, but this problem can be overcome by incorporating plant foods and diversifying the varieties to get all the acids needed to create high-quality protein.


Health benefits of a plant-based diet

There are many health benefits that you can benefit from by following a vegetarian diet, including:

fight diabetes

One of the most important advantages of the plant-based system is that it protects against diabetes and insulin-related diseases such as insulin resistance. The reason is that the plant contains a lot of fiber and therefore does not raise blood sugar and insulin and exposes you to the sensitivity of cells to the hormone insulin.

Cancer protection

Studies that have been conducted on vegetarians have proven that plant foods are rich in powerful antioxidants that fight the spread of free radicals in the body and protect against diseases such as cancer.

Losing weight and getting rid of obesity

Following a vegetarian diet only stimulates the body to burn fat faster. Plants contain fiber, which will increase your feeling of satiety and consume fewer calories. In addition, once you follow a vegetarian diet, your consumption of saturated and trans fats will decrease and your cholesterol levels will decrease significantly.