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How to get abdominal muscles (six pack abs)

The main motivation for some to exercise from the ground up is the six abdominal muscles that make you look great in sport, but the problem is that it is difficult to get them because of not knowing the right way to show them, so how do you get abdominal muscles in an easy way?

How to get abdominal muscles (six pack abs)
 How to get abdominal muscles (six pack abs)

How do you get abdominal muscles?

Although some believe that it is difficult to get abdominal muscles, but on the contrary, it is easy to get abdominal muscles, but the problem is the common mistakes that most trainees make and cause a problem in the appearance of the abdomen quickly, there are a set of tips and ideal steps that once you pay attention to it In your training and nutritional program, you will gain abdominal muscles in record time.

1- Doing abdominal exercises using weights

The first common mistake that delays the appearance of the abdominal muscles is not exercising them using weights or not applying the principle of increasing the loads on the abdomen as you apply them with all the muscles of your body. For a period of time, the body begins to get used to this effort, and therefore you will not notice any results.

It should be noted that the abdominal muscles, like any muscle, need to add weights when exercising in order to grow, so always try to record your weights used during the exercise and try to increase them over time to get huge and prominent abdominal muscles.

2- Reducing the percentage of body fat between 10-12%

It is difficult to show your abdominal muscles exactly as you wish if your fat percentage is higher than 12%, even with a lot of exercises, you will not be able to show your abdominal muscles because there is a layer of fat in this area, which prevents you from appearing the abdominal muscles exactly as you wish .

One of the things that surprises some is that the abdominal muscles can be shown even if you do not enter the gym one day in your life. The reason is that the anatomical nature of the body basically has the six abdominal muscles that you want, but a layer of fat accumulates on top of it, and as soon as it is lost, the abdominal muscles appear more clearly. Clear.

In order to be able to reduce fat between 10-12%, you must adhere to a diet appropriate for you,

3- Build the muscles of the whole body

Even if your main goal is the abdominal muscles, you should pay enough attention to the rest of the body, in order to get the abdominal muscles quickly, build all the muscles in your body that will help you in some way to get better abdominal muscles and in a faster way.

The first reason that makes you exercise all the muscles of your body is muscle coordination, it does not make sense to have perfect abdominal muscles with a skinny body without any muscles, and the second reason is that muscles raise the metabolic rate in the body and thus increase the speed of burning fat accumulated over the abdominal area .

4- Avoid excessive exercise

Some may think that excessive exercise stimulates the appearance of the abdomen quickly, it must be known that the emergence of muscles requires time and patience, even with the use of all available means, you must commit and be patient for a while to obtain the desired result.

Excessive exercise can be counterproductive over time and your inability to tolerate the physical stress may eventually cause you to leave the exercise completely so always try to have your training program professionally designed and you can continue it for as long as possible.

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