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The ginger : The health benefits and uses

Ginger is a root plant that belongs to the Zingiberaceae family, such as turmeric and cardamom, and is characterized by its strong pungent taste.

The ginger : The health benefits and uses
The ginger : The health benefits and uses

Let's get acquainted with the following on the benefits of ginger, and a set of important information about it:

Health benefits of ginger

Ginger is included in the list of medicinal herbs, and its roots are usually used as a spice. It can also be eaten fresh, drunk, or boiled, or used as a powder or oil for medicinal purposes.

It has been used as a traditional remedy for thousands of years, and is known in Chinese and Indian medicine for treating many health problems.

The health benefits of ginger are as follows:

Helps promote cardiovascular health

Ginger has been found to promote circulatory health, and help reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, through its effective role in reducing cholesterol levels in the blood.

In addition to being a source of a group of important and necessary minerals for the functioning of the heart muscle and arteries and for regulating blood pressure, such as: potassium, magnesium, and manganese.

To achieve this benefit, patients with pressure are advised to eat fresh ginger, not ground.

Contributes to lowering blood sugar levels

One of the benefits of ginger is that ginger contributes to lowering blood sugar levels, enhancing the health of the diabetic in general, and protecting it from some complications associated with diabetes.

However, it is advised for a diabetic patient not to exceed 4 grams of ginger per day so that the effects do not become reversible and negatively affect their health, such that a sharp drop in sugar occurs.

Helps prevent cancer

Ginger contains high levels of antioxidants and active substances that make it a good contributor to curbing the following types of cancer:

Colon Cancer.

Prostate cancer.

skin cancer.

Lung Cancer.

Colorectal cancer.

Contributes to the treatment of headaches

One of the benefits of ginger is that it contributes to the treatment of headaches. Ginger is used as a sedative and pain reliever, and it has a role in treating migraines.

It also helps fight infections in the body that may be the cause of headaches, headaches, dizziness, nausea, and any symptoms that may accompany headaches.

Contributes to the treatment of respiratory infections

Since ancient times, ginger has a role in treating respiratory problems. It contributes to the following:

Relieve the symptoms of colds, and winter diseases.

Treating sore throat, dilates the airways.

Relieves cough, and expels phlegm.

Helps improve sexual health

It was found that one of the benefits of ginger enhances blood circulation, which made it an effective role in contributing to improving sexual health, which was represented by the following:

Increased sexual desire.

Treatment of some problems of impotence and weakness.

Enhance erection in men.

Delaying ejaculation in men.

It is used to treat the foul odor of the vagina.

Helps treat inflammation and joint diseases

It was found that the antioxidants and the active substance in ginger known as gingerol fight various microbes and infections in the body.

Ginger also contains enzymes that analyze proteins that may contribute to inflammation such as arthritis, as it was found that people who ate ginger reduced the sensation of joint pain, three-quarters of them.

Supports the digestive system

One of the benefits of ginger is that ginger supports the digestive system in general and treats some intestinal disorders. It helps with the following:

Prevent nausea and vomiting.

Promote digestion.

Increase the absorption of nutrients, by stimulating the secretion of digestive juices and saliva.

Softening and facilitating bowel movement.

Treating intestinal upsets.

Prevention of stomach ulcers, by increasing the secreted mucus and protecting its inner wall.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome.

Beauty benefits of ginger

The beauty benefits of ginger are as follows:

Helps get rid of hair problems

Ginger helps treat and strengthen many hair problems, as it was found that ginger oil, when applied to the hair and constantly massaging the scalp with it, helps to:

Increased hair growth.

Treating hair loss problem.

Treating and getting rid of dandruff.

Fighting the appearance of white hair resulting from some psychological factors or a deficiency in some nutrients, and it is recommended to add honey to it to increase its effectiveness.

Contributes to the freshness of the skin

One of the benefits of ginger is that it contributes to the freshness of the skin, as ginger contains antioxidants, making it with aesthetic benefits that return to the freshness of the skin, as it helps to:

Skin whitening and purification.

Sterilization of the skin, and protection from infections.

Wrinkle relief.

Fight the signs of aging in the skin.

Acne treatment.

Unifying and clearing skin tone.

Contributes to weight loss

It was found that people eating ginger contributed to their loss of approximately 20% of the fat intake, and the reason for this is due to the following:

Ginger contains high levels of dietary fiber, which helps increase the feeling of fullness in the stomach, thus increasing the feeling of satiety.

Ginger's ability to encourage metabolism and enhance the process of burning fat in the body, which made it an effective role in slimming and weight loss.

Benefits of ginger for women

The benefits of ginger for women are as follows:

Relieves menstrual pain

One of the benefits of ginger for women is that it has an effective role in relieving menstrual symptoms and relieving menstrual pain in women, by drinking ginger boiled.

Contributes to the prevention of women's cancers

It was found that ginger may contribute to the prevention of some cancers specific to women, such as: uterine cancer and ovarian cancer.

Relieves pregnancy symptoms

This is one of the benefits of ginger for pregnant women, and it was found that it has an effective role in alleviating dizziness, nausea, vomiting, head pain, and stomach disorders, and thus has a major role in treating and relieving some of the symptoms associated with pregnancy.

But it is recommended for the pregnant woman to eat small amounts of it, not exceeding 2-4 grams per day, dividing it into two or three servings per day, and it can be added to food and salad dishes or taken as juice.

How is ginger used?

Ginger can be used and benefited in several ways, through the following:

Eat fresh ginger root.

Soak ginger or boil its roots and drink the boiled.

Drink ginger root juice.

It is used as a spice to be added to various dishes.

Use ginger powder.

ginger oil.

Recipes for using ginger

Let's get acquainted with a group of aesthetic recipes in which ginger can be used in the following:

1. Ginger mixes for slimming

Ginger can be eaten in several ways, which are as follows:

Drink boiled fresh green ginger with cinnamon, as it was found that ginger and cinnamon contain effective substances that enhance metabolism and burn fat.

Drink boiled ground ginger, filter it and add lemon juice to it.

It is advised to pay attention to the amount consumed so that it does not exceed a cup per day, and it is always preferable to take ginger to lose weight after consulting a doctor.

2. Ginger mixes for hair

Ginger is used for hair in several recipes, most notably the following:

Mix ginger oil with a group of other oils, such as: castor oil, olive oil, then apply the mixture to the scalp with a circular massage, then wrap a hot towel around the hair.

Ginger root powder is used with the addition of the same mixture of the previous oils to it and applied to the hair and left for a period of time.

3. Ginger mixtures for the skin

Before starting to apply ginger mixtures on the skin, it is necessary to know the extent of the sensitivity of the skin to it. This is done by placing ginger on a small part of the skin. If any sensitivity appears, these mixtures must be avoided.

Here is one of the facial mixtures and its steps:

Make a mixture of dry ground ginger or grated fresh ginger with one tablespoon of honey and one tablespoon of rose water.

The skin is washed and cleaned well, then the mixture is applied to it for a quarter of an hour, then the face is washed again.

Advices about ginger

The tips are as follows:

It is recommended to eat ginger in divided portions during the day, and to avoid eating it at once.

It is not recommended to serve ginger to children under the age of two years.

source ; فوائد الزنجبيل وميزاته الصحية - ويب طب (

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