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Natural Colon Cleanse at Home : recipe, advices risks

Natural ways to clean the colon, clean colon water with irrigation, drinks and foods to clean the colon at home, the benefits of cleaning the colon, and the risks of home methods to clean the colon

Natural Colon Cleanse at Home
 Natural Colon Cleanse at Home

The health of the digestive system is an important and necessary issue for comfort and physical health, and one of the most important parts of the digestive system that plays a major role in the digestive process is the colon, or what is known as the large intestine.

If the doctor finds it necessary to clean the colon, he will resort to the method of washing the colon by means of water injection “hydro colon cleansing” or he will describe a group of foods and drinks that help clean the colon naturally, and we discuss the two options in detail in this article.

Colon cleansing benefits

The colon performs several vital functions in the body such as removing stool from the body, extracting salt and water, maintaining pH, and fighting harmful bacteria.

Cleaning the colon is a procedure that people have done since ancient times, whether at the pharaohs or the ancient Greeks until today, because they believe that during the expulsion of waste from the body, a little of it remains stuck on the walls of the colon, which may cause serious diseases for the body, and those who support the importance of cleaning the colon claim that it has many benefits Such as:

  • Maintaining a healthy digestive system
  • Prevent constipation
  • Preventing irregular large bowel movements
  • Helps reduce the risk of colon cancer
  •  Removes toxins from the digestive system
  • Can lead to weight loss
  • Improves better digestion
  • Leads to increased energy and thinking clearly
  • May contribute to alleviating the effects of Irritable Bowel Syndrome.
  • But some of these claims are unproven and lack scientific support.

To clean the colon, there are home methods that are done by using natural materials directly or with the diet, and there is a method of colonic irrigation, which needs a specialist to do.

Cleaning the colon with water and the method of colonic irrigation

 It is also called colon hydrotherapy or colon lavage; Where the colon is cleaned with fluids to remove waste from it by a colon health specialist pumping approximately 60 liters of fluid through a tube into the rectum and up to the colon and another tube that draws fluids out, and this process is repeated until the fluid intake ends.

Dangers of colon washing and colonic irrigation

This method has many potential risks and side effects, including:

  • Colon dehydration: While the weight loss associated with colon cleansing is due to the removal of waste, it also causes fluid removal, leading to dehydration, which in turn can lead to kidney failure in serious cases.
  • Electrolyte imbalance and electrolyte imbalance: Colon cleansing can lead to an imbalance of electrolytes such as potassium and sodium in the body and these chemicals carry electrical signals through cells and the imbalance can lead to unconsciousness as well as kidney damage.
  • Bacterial infection: Colon cleaning can cause unhealthy bacteria to enter the lower digestive tract using tools and fluids used if they are not properly sterilized and remove healthy bacteria that can fight this infection.
  • Bowel perforation: Bowel perforation occurs when there is a tear in the wall of the lower intestine and is considered a medical emergency and its symptoms begin with fever, pain, chills, and nausea but eventually can progress and cause death.

Colon cleansing advices

If you know the risks and are still interested in colon cleansing, there are things you can do to reduce your likelihood of experiencing any ill health effects such as:

  • Consult with a doctor first of all, as some people are more prone to complications than others.
  • It must be emphasized to drink large amounts of fluids before and after the colonic irrigation process to avoid dehydration that may result from the operation.
  • Confirm the experience of the doctor or specialist who will perform this operation for you.
  • Ensuring the use of new equipment and the necessary protective equipment, ensuring hygiene and the appropriate sterilization system, as you may be exposed to the risk of transmitting harmful bacteria to the intestine if any of the correct hygiene requirements are neglected.
  • In addition to colon cleansing by irrigation, there are many products on the market that offer similar potential benefits through oral supplements that come in the form of powders, capsules or tea bags, and be sure to read the directions for each of these supplements.

Natural Colon Cleanse Food and Drinks at Home

  • Using water to clean the colon: This method depends on drinking a lot of water and maintaining moisture to regulate the digestion process, and it is done by drinking about eight cups of lukewarm water daily and adopting foods that contain a lot of water such as fruits and vegetables such as tomatoes, lettuce and others.
  • Using water with salt to clean the colon: Mix two tablespoons of sea salt with lukewarm water and drink water quickly on an empty stomach before eating in the morning. This method is especially useful for those who suffer from constipation, and make sure you stay at home when using this method, as you You may go to the bathroom several times.
  • Use vegetables and dietary fiber to clean the colon: Fiber is an important nutritional value that is ignored in the diet and is found in plant foods such as fruits, vegetables, grains, nuts and seeds, and fiber helps reduce excess substances in the colon and promotes beneficial bacteria that act as an antibiotic, which helps cleanse the colon and maintain On the health of the intestines by eliminating waste products outside the body.
  • The same is true with leafy vegetables such as spinach, kale, green cabbage, peas and many other vegetables rich in chlorophyll, which help cleanse the intestinal tract and clean the colon.
  • Juices to clean the colon: Juices are a natural colon cleanser when used in moderation, as they contain some fiber and nutrients that benefit the digestion process, especially because they contain vitamin C, which helps cleanse the colon and is abundant in fruits used to make juices. Among these juices, we can talk about the use of apples and lemons in particular because they contain a lot of vitamins, antioxidants and fiber that improve the work of the digestive system.
  • Cleaning the colon with carbohydrates: Resistant starches are similar to fiber and are found in foods such as potatoes, rice, legumes, green bananas and cereals. They promote colon health by increasing beneficial intestinal bacteria and reduce the risk of colon cancer.
  • Chia and flax seeds to cleanse the colon: Flax and chia seeds contain large amounts of fiber in addition to containing omega-3 fatty acids, which reduce colon inflammation and remove accumulated toxins. One teaspoon of the seeds can be added to the water and drunk as a mixture or sprinkled over salads.
  • Ginger to clean the colon: Ginger has antiseptic properties and is useful because it stimulates digestion and can be eaten directly or added to any juice such as adding a teaspoon of ginger juice with honey and mixing it in a cup of warm water or making a juice containing ginger such as apple juice with ginger, which is a :
1 tablespoon of ginger (peeled).
1 apple (sliced)
cup spinach
1 carrot (sliced)
All these ingredients are mixed with 1 cup of water and the juice is ready.
  • Apple cider vinegar: Apple cider vinegar helps expel waste from our bodies while retaining beneficial bacteria. It can be taken with honey to clean the colon and restore the health of the digestive system. This is one of the ways to use it:
Mix raw apple cider vinegar and honey in equal amounts (2 tablespoons)
Then mix it with a glass of water and drink it once daily.
This mixture has many benefits in addition to cleaning the colon, including preventing diabetes and lowering harmful cholesterol.
  • Tea and herbs to cleanse the colon: Some herbal teas may help maintain the health of the digestive system, as they are considered laxatives such as aloe vera, elm, ginger herbs, garlic, and pepper, which contain antimicrobial phytochemicals that suppress harmful bacteria. These herbs help treat constipation, but it must be emphasized All herbs should be used in moderation or consult a doctor before consuming them, as they are considered safe when used in moderation, but may cause health problems if used in excess.
  • You can also rely on the use of a cup of herbal laxative tea if these herbs are not used.

The risks of cleaning the colon at home

Home colon cleaning can have side effects in certain cases, such as high blood pressure, for example, if you use the salt water method, this may cause an increase in sodium in the body and cause many negative health effects on the health of the body, and these are some of the side effects that may Colon cleansing:

  • nausea
  • vomiting
  • Dizziness
  • Drought
  • convulsion
If any of these symptoms occur, you must stop cleaning the colon immediately and refer to a doctor, and these symptoms may lead to heart failure and damage to the digestive system if the cleaning continues and these symptoms are ignored.

You should talk to your doctor before making major diet plans for colon health.
In the case of any chronic disease, the doctor should also be consulted before making any change to the diet, especially when using one of the herbs.

Sources and references

The article “7 Home Remedies to Cleanse the Colon” was posted on, reviewed on 05/30/2020.
Adrian White's article “How to Do a Natural Colon Cleanse at Home” Posted in, Reviewed May 29, 2020.
Anna Schaefer's article “Collect cleaning and what you need to know” was published in, reviewed on May 29, 2020.

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