Constipation is one of the health problems faced by a large number of people around the world, and people with it usually look for laxative drugs to relieve it and promote regular bowel movements, but there are some natural ways that can be used to treat constipation instead of taking medications, such as herbs, oils and exercise .

Continue reading the news to learn about 9 of the most important ways to treat constipation at home, and find out the most important information that you must know.


8 Natural constipation treatment

1. Eat the recommended amount of fiber

Eating fiber is one of the things that doctors recommend for the purposes of treating constipation and its symptoms, as studies indicate that fiber contributes to regulating bowel movement, and that eating it increases stool frequency and softens it to facilitate its passage. Foods rich in fiber include vegetables, fruits, nuts, whole grains, and legumes.

It is reported that experts and specialists usually advise eating 25 grams of fiber per day for women, and 38 grams for men.

2. Include legumes in the diet

They include legumes, beans, chickpeas, lentils, and peas. They are among the foods rich in fiber and other nutrients that help treat constipation, such as potassium, folate and zinc. Eating legumes helps to regularize the intestines, which supports and facilitates the digestive process, and also helps to increase the body’s production of butyric acid, which is classified as a fatty acid that acts as a natural laxative.

According to a study conducted by some specialists, every 100 grams of cooked legumes covers about 26% of the recommended daily intake of fiber.

3. Using castor oil as a natural laxative

Castor oil is known as a natural laxative and tonic for the intestines. It has been used for many years as a natural remedy to relieve constipation, empty the intestines and prepare them for surgery, as it increases bowel movement and helps stool to pass. Castor oil contains ricinoleic acid, the main fatty acid that causes muscles to contract and pass stools.

Liquid castor oil is taken orally, and it is recommended to consult a specialist about the time and quantity to be taken to avoid side effects.

4. Eating more leafy vegetables

All kinds of leafy vegetables help treat constipation and soften stools in different ways, as they are rich in dietary fiber, vitamins and minerals, including magnesium, which works to attract water to the intestines to facilitate the passage of stools to the outside. Leafy green vegetables contain vitamin K, folic acid and vitamin C, all of which contribute to facilitating digestion.

Researchers are advised to eat foods that help treat constipation by eating leafy vegetables, such as cabbage, lettuce, spinach, broccoli and others.

5. Eat olive oil to stimulate bowel movement

Olive oil is one of the common natural recipes used to treat constipation. One study showed that eating 4 milliliters of olive oil may help relieve symptoms of constipation. The benefits of olive oil lie in softening the inner walls of the intestines, softening solid waste, in addition to improving digestion, and expanding the intestines.

It is worth noting that olive oil can be used in many different ways, including eating it without additives, or eating it with vegetables, yogurt or lemon.

6. Drinking water in appropriate quantities

Dehydration most often leads to constipation, so drinking the appropriate amounts of water on a daily basis plays a key role in maintaining body moisture, as well as regular bowel movement and preventing constipation, as drinking fluids in general helps improve stool consistency, which facilitates its passage, and also contributes to In enhancing the effects of other natural laxatives, such as fiber, leafy green vegetables, etc.

It is reported that some studies have shown that drinking sparkling water may be more effective than regular water in treating constipation and bloating.

7. Drink natural herbs

Many people resort to treating constipation with herbs, as it is considered a natural and somewhat safe method, and there are many types of herbs used to treat the stomach and this type of health condition, we mention ginger, which works to calm the digestive system, as well as flax seeds rich in fiber and omega-3, which increases the number of bowel movements. per day, in addition to dandelion, licorice, chamomile, parsley and others.

These herbs are usually boiled or soaked in hot water, then filtered and drunk, as this method provides the ability to absorb the benefits very quickly inside the body.

8. Regular exercise

Finally, we move on to talking about exercise that helps treat constipation and its pain, as some studies have shown that physical activity from two to six times a week contributed to a 35% decrease in the risk of constipation.

These exercises include walking for about 20 minutes, water sports that activate the intestinal muscles, as well as pelvic floor exercises and yoga as well.