You should take a cold shower in the winter to get multiple benefits to protect the body from health problems.

cold shower
cold shower

And just thinking about taking a shower with cold water in the winter may give you chills, but studies have proven that cold water may give you some distinct benefits to the body compared to warm or hot water, and the “medical daily” website indicated a report on the benefits of showering with cold water in winter.

Benefits of taking a cold shower in winter

1. Activate the immune system

Bathing in cold water helps activate the immune system, as it helps release white blood cells, which increases immunity and prevents exposure to various diseases and viruses.

2. Improve blood circulation

Bathing with cold water helps the blood to move to the various organs in the body, compared to hot water, which leads to blood flowing to the surface of the skin only, and for this we find that cold water is better as it helps to strengthen the arteries and prevent blockages and work to reduce high blood pressure.

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3. Reducing muscle pain

We always notice that athletes are keen to take a cold bath after exercise, and this is because bathing with cold water helps relieve muscle pain and relax them.

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4. Enhance body energy

The flow of cold water while showering helps increase the amount of oxygen and blood flow towards the brain, which helps boost the body's energy, keeping you active throughout the day.

5. Mood booster

Bathing in cold water in the winter affects the cold receptors on the skin, which helps the body to send electrical impulses from the nerve endings to the brain, which helps regulate mood, prevent depression, and relieve stress and anxiety.

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In addition, cold water helps reduce stress, as the "medline plus" website indicated a study that demonstrated that uric acid decreases when exposed to a cold effect and increases the proportion of glutathione, which is an antioxidant, which helps maintain other antioxidants in their normal levels.

6. Maintain healthy skin and hair

Bathing in hot water may cause the skin to become dehydrated, as well as itchy scalp and dandruff, unlike cold water, which preserves the natural oils secreted by the skin and scalp, making the skin soft and helping to keep the hair shiny and free of dandruff.