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Benefits of boiled eggs for bodybuilding


Benefits of boiled eggs for bodybuilding
Benefits of boiled eggs for bodybuilding

Boiled eggs are very important, especially for bodybuilders, as they are not added to the oils that are required in the frying process, which would increase the amount of fat in the body, which the bodybuilder is keen to get rid of the increase in its percentage in his body permanently.

As boiled eggs keep their nutrients as they are without any other additives, and the player can get rid of the fat in the eggs after removing the yolk, but this will be at the expense of calories, most of which are found in the yolk itself, but in all cases, the percentage of fat in eggs does not exceed The reasonable and appropriate limit for the human body and its perfection.

Benefits of boiled eggs for bodybuilding:

1- It contains vitamins: There are more than one type of rare and useful vitamins in eggs, especially in its yolk, which are vitamins that a healthy and healthy body needs, such as vitamin E, vitamin B12, vitamin A - cG and vitamin D * A.

2- Because it contains proteins: the egg white contains two grams of protein, and the yolk contains four grams of protein, which is an essential element for building muscles, tissues and bones.

3- It contains calories: as the bodybuilder expends a lot of energy during training, and needs sufficient calories to produce the energy needed to make the effort during training, and the bodybuilder exerts much more effort than the effort made by the average person. He must get more calories without exposing his body to negative side effects arising from the fats accompanying the calories in various foods, and because egg fat is hardly calculated compared to the number of calories, this nominates him to be the most safe food source to obtain the necessary calories.

4- It contains fifteen amino acids, such as: arginine and leucine, both of which are very important in building different muscles.

Nutritional advice for bodybuilders

Nutritional advice for bodybuilders

Nutritional advice for bodybuilders

Among the useful nutritional advice for bodybuilders, we mention the following:

Balanced diet: A balanced diet is a necessary part for bodybuilders, as is their need for training, as eating the right food in appropriate quantities provides the nutrients necessary for the muscles that the player needs to recover after training, and promote better muscle growth. Eating an adequate and appropriate amount of food may cause results below the desired level, and the meal plan for bodybuilders must include the following:

The meal should contain all of the healthy fats, proteins, and carbohydrates. Meals should be divided into 3-6 meals during the day. The total calorie intake during the day should be adjusted based on the goal to be achieved, whether it is weight gain or loss.

Doing weight lifting exercises: You must start a training program to lift strong weights; to target all major muscles; Such as: arms, legs, shoulders, chest, back, and abdomen, as these exercises may stimulate growth, and the additional energy that the body consumes to lift weights may help promote muscle growth.

Getting rid of excess fat while maintaining muscle mass: A bodybuilder needs to get rid of excess fat, while maintaining muscle mass after the process of inflating his body, as during the process of amplifying the body, gaining fat may be a must; Therefore, the bodybuilder must be keen to eat healthy food during that period, focusing on eating adequate and appropriate quantities, in addition to reducing the intake of fast foods to a minimum.

Drink enough fluids: Bodybuilders must drink enough water; This is to compensate for the fluids lost by the body during sweating, and it is also possible to drink some drinks; such as tea and coffee; It may also be useful in replacing fluids lost by the body during exercise.

Consult a certified fitness professional: It is important to consult a physician or certified fitness professional before beginning a bodybuilding exercise or diet, for additional information on the safety of a bodybuilding routine.

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